Sometimes we do not know the destination.It is there somewhere.I do not deny its existence but the vision is hazy.Hence the name UNCHARTED TERRITORIES.. Guess I will find it in due course of time but it would not be the destination then,isn't it..
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Learning 'bout ads
My blog is not resource oriented. It will not extract any revenue, I know all that stuff. Actually, it is because of my lust towards learning new things. I wanted to know how actually adsense works and only way to learn it is to do it.
So I decided to play with them for a while. So anyone who is disgusted by those petty ads, I am sorry. I hope that no one will come out and actually beat me.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Lone Rider..
Walking away towards solitude
Far, far away it is now.
Even now though vibes I feel
Deep, deep in myself
This journey is taking me.
Where am I now?
Where I was before?
How does it matter though?
Loneliness, darkness and mystery;
Beautiful and humbling is this journey.
It is changing me 'tis true
In ways I never knew.
People see light at the end of the tunnel.
Life is beautiful when the road ends.
One journey is they say most important.
To death it leads; to new life some say.
That journey is a long one I know.
If comparison becomes a neccesity.
A trip is what am doing
In front of the colossus destination
Death whom we all name.
But still I feel
This journey is more significant.
In me I see
What even a God's vision might lack.
Love-Hatred, Truth-n-Lies
Shadows and light so bright.
But what sobers me the most
I feel and know first time in life
The true meaning of being alive.
This trip to myself
Enlightens me the most.
Journey to death can wait a while.
Let me have a partner besides.
To me is where I belong first.
A journey to me is where
This lone rider must go first.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Nothing to write
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I just saw the movie- 'Sorry Bhai' and it made me think. Actually I think it is the combo of 'Dasvidaniya' and 'Sorry Bhai' that has got my wheels running. First 'Sorry Bhai'- I really liked the climax of the movie and the ending too. It was correct of Sanjay Suri to leave Chitragandha for Sharman. Love might not be the strongest force in the world( read God) but it is pretty powerful and in absence of it, or rather it being present in his brother and fiance, it was the best choice. But it is not this thing that got me think. I was wondering about the decision of our hero & heroine. They decided to give this feeling or whatever was brewing a try instead of acting on what world thinks. I believe that marriages are made in heaven or as I am agnostic I shoud say-" I believe that almost all people together deserve each other". I do not believe that there is something like a mismatch. Yes, people might end up in wrong relationships but if they think they deserve better and are still together then they don't. And whatever the world might think if a couple is together happy, they deserved each other and the happiness even if there is a huge age difference or religion/caste barrier or anything like in 'Sorry bhai'.
There's was a good decision( read risk) to NOT sacrifice their love and atleast tell the truth. It destroyed a couple of relationships I agree but it was better this way else it would have been just three wasted lives.I always value honesty above everything. I have decided that I will take risks in my life from now on. I have always been a safe player. I do not take much risks in my life but I guess it is time to give it a shot. Also at 20 I can afford to take a few risks. And these risks will be honest and true attempts not fake tries.
Second thing which I thought was after watching 'Dasvidaniya'. Life truly is short. I mean I look back in life of 20 short years and realize that they went very fast. Really-really fast. In fact I have spent one and a half year in IIT now and it was just a while ago that I gave JEE. So, instead of doing things which mean nothing to me I should do things that make me happy and give my life a meaning I and not the world understand.
Combining the two actually gave my life a new meaning. I have a lot of dreams but I do not execute many of them. I have been waiting for a perfect timing; some sort of enlightenment I guess. 'Dasvidaniya' made me realize that waiting can be dangerous as I might end up doing only that. 'Sorry Bhai' made me realize that I should not be afraid to fulfill my wishes or at least give an honest attempt to them.
I have many wishes. It is time to execute upon them without fear, with honesty before it is too late.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I wish someone could tell me where should I go to find the solution. I do not know how much I can sustain this condition. See the problem is that I am a man of action. I play on my instinct and they have never failed me as of now so my faith in them is huge. And now all I am doing is waiting for someone else to take a decision. This 'someone' needs time to take the decision which I totally understand but my instinct is shrieking like a werewolf that wait is a waste as the result is already leaked. It knows that the result will be negative; the worst part is that my instinct says that it is for the good of both the parties and my conscience agrees with it.
Free-will is what make us take decision, isn't it? I am not taking any action because if I take the decision then the other person's free-will is lost. But if I do not take decision thinking so then my free-will is lost. I do not know what to do- confused as I am. May be I should trust my instinct and conscience but my conscience loves me and is biased towards me.
I am sorry; I guess I forgot to tell you that my conscience lives outside me. Something like in the fairy tales where the life of the evil demon lives in the parrot. Nevertheless, one thing is sure that pain is what is written in my future for sometime now. If I wait and the result comes out as my instinct predicts then I will be broken (well, almost broken; I am pretty tough emotionally). Again, waiting two months for a decision is already killing me. The decision, if is taken by me then it will give pain to both of us.
Everything I have written is quite incoherent I know but bear with me as I am not in my complete senses- without booze- and my emotions are practically on a roller coaster ride. Love, Hate, Pain, Sadness, Thrill, Joy (no, not joy), suffering all are coming and going. I never thought that I will be in such a condition when this incident really arises but then when is life predictable. I have always maintained that I like this about life and I will still say that it is good that life provides us with so many twists and turns.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My first Editorial.

Renaissance or as it means in French- 'Rebirth'- used to bring to my mind history and my mind wandered off to Europe of 15th century. Now it brings the thought of IIT Roorkee, my campus, my hostel and my friends. This has been the effect or I should say euphoria of RENAISSANCE. This magazine has seen more years here than us who have been given the responsibility to help it grow from a small plant into a huge tree of wisdom and shelter. And we hope that our efforts give it the necessary nutrients to not only outlast our stay here but in fact reach the pinnacle of survival i.e. immortality.
You might have heard of the bird ‘Phoenix’. It is a mythical creature which dies with flames coming out of its body and is reborn from the ashes. We would like you to remember that bird whenever you see the logo of RENAISSANCE. Also we would like you to remember our magazine whenever you hear about this majestic creature- the biggest example of renaissance.
Every time Renaissance is published it undergoes a metamorphosis, flavoured according to the new team but one thing that will and can never change is its inner spirit. The spirit which is the source of inspiration for us and gives us a desire to seek new horizons and conquer new skies. To this spirit we dedicate our tagline-“The Flight of Desire”.
We would like to applaud the efforts of all the writers who have contributed in the moulding of this magazine. Talent of the new batch has given us both a great pleasure and a great pain. Pleasure to see that RENAISSANCE will go in safe hands in the future and pain to remove the good articles which deserved a space here. Nevertheless, we hope that the readers cherish this effort on our part.
In the end I would like to make a small request to our readers. Please do read the first article “The angst of the ‘Ance’” by our senior S. Karthik. It is about a small mistake that we all have been making and the magazine suffering.
[ The angst of the 'Ance' can be read on the blog]
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The World of Remix..

Image Credit: oneBlog
Friday, October 10, 2008
Relationship thread... or muscle
Thursday, October 9, 2008
without a title..
Khwab kayi dekhen hain
Kayi khwab mere toote hain
Kayi hasratein rahi adhoori
Fana huae jo khwab unka gham nahi
Shayad kuchh sapno ki koi manzil nahi
Par haqeekat bhi kaun haseen hui
Jo tamannaen hui poori
Vo bhi kahan meri hui
Jinko pala
Vo hasratein bhi sauteli bani
Mere khwab jo poore huae
Unhone dasa hai mujhe zyada
Itna ki ab sapne dekhne ki himmat nahi
Kabhi dua bhi kar baethta hun khuda se
Mere khwabon ko haqeekat na bakshe
Fir magar aata hai khayal
Agar hoti khuda ki itni azmat
To kyon vo hame bakhshta
Jo galti hui hai us se
Kyon na pehle use badalta
Shayad vo ye khwab nahi dekhta
Daraya hai ek puri khwahish ne itna
Aur khwab dekhne ki
Ab khuda mein takat nahi…
Why me??
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Ek khwahish
Mil jaaye
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Can Not Be An Atheist.
Monday, September 22, 2008
A Tale To Tell
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
'RENAISSANCE'-A New Adventure.
Every now and then comes a time when we all review ourselves (exams are one such opportunity-only thing is, reviews are really bad). While writing I feel the same way. This time its about RENAISSANCE- the magazine where this habit of mine took the baby steps. I have been writing since ... ever, I guess, but when what a person writes get recognition then the pride and joy one feels is something I cannot .. no would not describe. You have to feel it; this magazine gave me that joy. I realized that what I write has some value and it was a boost to the confidence that I guess will never subside. Today, while writing in this blog I again feel the part of this culture that our campus has generated over the years. To be the Head Editor of this magazine gave me great pleasure.
A View from an Editor
After all the things I said earlier I would like to tell how I am-or rather we are-feeling as editors. Our job is to get the articles from everyone, choose the best ones and give it to the design team for printing purpose. Sounds simple na. Now let me tell how exactly it is..
It is like playing a game.
First stage-
Ask the juniors..
first month, you do not know the name of many of them and conversation is minimal( intro nahi hua hai,that is why) and now you have to explain them the Renaissance.
MAJOR TASK-convince them to give articles..
BONUS-you get articles on time and enough in numbers.
HURDLE-motivate them for originality(and yet getting quality)
I do not know why everyone is convinced that they are bad writers. Even the most famous writers do not claim to be the best.
Second stage-
Read 'em all..
articles come, you read and your heart bleeds. The first lot I got almost killed me off. Besides a few all were, let us say.. below par. None was exceptional that I could pat the guy's back.
MAJOR TASK-find atleast few good articles..
BONUS-get an exceptional treat..
SPECIAL TASK-find the copiers(else they find a place in the magazine BEWARE!!)
Third Stage-
The Seniors saga..
we are lazy, I accept that but hello! guys this is our magazine, OUR MAGAZINE if I might add.
MAJOR TASK-get the 2,3,4 yearites to pick up the pen.
BONUS-a sure shot article promised.
HURDLE-If you get an article,none.But,if you get an article.
SPECIAL-your own year is the laziest.wake them up.
I have played the game up to third stage only so I do not know what lies ahead. Will tell you all as soon as I find it. Besides there are other expansion packs to this game namely-
1. Get the spon.
2. Where's the site?
Other players are playing these games and hopefully they are having fun..
I am having a lot of fun playing this game despite sometimes the stages are a bit tough.
more info on the game and expansions later...
Monday, September 15, 2008
Ek Gazal