Monday, July 11, 2011

Unknown, Unfathomable, Uncharted, Un--

It is a great pleasure to become adept at something. It is even a greater pleasure to be a master. And the greatest pleasure of them all is to finally pass on that knowledge. To see someone going through the same phase of learning curve as you have passed.

The last thing is perhaps the greatest joy but like everything pure it is also bland. This is another one of my beliefs. All things pure are bland as well. Be it water, love, hatred et al. Thus we see people getting bored after they have reached the pinnacle. Only a challenge of the same or perhaps higher magnitude can give them us the same excitement. Like drugs every subsequent times the dosage needed is to be pumped up. It can be a lot, it can be minute but it has to be higher than last time. Even an equal dosage gives us satisfaction at best. Contentment is mostly unachievable not because it is tough to acquire but too easy to aspire. To the extent that it is not deemed profitable to have a satisfaction filled environment.

Competition and advertising are two tools that destroy contentment. We always aspire the new. And yet... We are scared by it. To the extent that there is a theory that the existing technology should not be too different than the current technology else the consumers reject it just because it is radically new. We want new but we are scared by too new. I was reading an article where they mentioned an experiment where they beautified a girl's photo by bringing the sharper features of her to the more average of humankind. People found it more beautiful. If the experiment is true than it is one of the most conclusive proofs that we are scared of abnormalities. I know it is too well known fact for me to find proofs for it. Most people will agree with it anyway. What I am amazed about is the wish to have something new and the cowardice to actually have it.  

"There are several good protections against temptations, but the surest is cowardice." Mark Twain

I know I am leaving the post quite hanging but the mind went blank. So, I'll end this post with one word. This word is the key to these uncharted territories. It is the wardrobe to Narnia. The rabbit to Wonderland.


The only question is- "Will you follow through your yes? Will you see how deep the rabbit hole goes?"

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